“We often hear that finding love is pure luck and that we don’t need to look for it to find it. That’s what happened to me last summer during a stay at the Académie de musique du Domaine Forget (Domaine Forget’s Music Academy). I discovered a part of the country of almost unbearable beauty that urges one to say thank you, life.

I was a teenager when my family and I left Hong Kong for the United States. While I am a true urban – I live in Los Angeles – there is a special connection between Mother Nature and I,  not unrelated to 10 years of scouting that triggered my love of the outdoors.

Despite being an active person, I need calm and serenity to create. That is what I found in Charlevoix : an unmatched place to hone my knowledge in a fun and heaven-like setting. Here, emotions rise to the surface and induce the unrestricted urge to create. It is to this day the most fascinating experience of the journey that started when my bass and I first met.

I am already excited at the idea of coming back to Domaine Forget this summer and to wake up every morning at dawn to watch the sun rising above the Saint-Lawrence River. This time, I intend to take advantage of my free days to set out in search of adventures, climb mountains, go on a kayak ride or do rafting in a river’s whitewater. And not to forget to taste the poutine, a must that is on everybody’s lips.”